About Flutterby Plantarium

Hello! My name is Alina. For many years, I have participated in 4-H and the club leaders talk a lot about community and how to improve our world. So, I thought I’d like to try to help by encouraging people to plant flowers that produce nectar, pollen, and seeds to support the health and nutrition of our local pollinators, butterflies, and birds.

By supporting bees, we help to improve our food production and yields. The health of our overall butterfly and hummingbird population has been affected by a loss of habitat and wild swings in weather. We can help the butterflies survive by offering them host plants and high nectar producing plants to support their journey. Also, supplying high energy seeds for migrating songbirds and finches, will help them on their long journey.

All funds raised will go toward buying seeds and supplies for next year’s plant sale. Profits will be put towards a Community Action Plan, Increasing Food Security Through the Use of Vertical and Raised Bed Gardens, funding my AP exams, and raising money for college. We hope you find something you fall in love with at this year’s sale!


Special thanks to Tompkins County 4-H Youth Development/Cornell Cooperative Extension, mostly to Joann Gruttadaurio, for getting me excited about plants and inspiring me to grow my own. I am especially grateful to my father for helping me learn HTML and CSS.

And thank you for visiting!

Covered in butterflies